Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Keep Going.

here i am. --Starbucks.
a place that i used to spent my time for assignment, chatting, or for no reason.
but now, i'm here to study for ICF. lols.
spent around 2 hours here, but i could not even finish the 1st chapter.
zzzZZZzzz...i super dislike finance paper, yet i know i've to read it, try hard to understand it, memorize it and also remember all i had read thru.
Hard mission. truly.

however, still have 2 hours to go, and i will still here until the boyf finished working and come here to meet me.
he is working right now, and i know he is busy.
yet, he still spend some time to text me and remind me to study hard with no facebook!
feel warm when saw his msg, i know he is the one always standing by me, support me whenever i need him.

well, i have to stop nonsense and continue to read the notes.
other else, boyf will scold me 9lat 9lat if he see my empty notes later.
lols. chaos~

Thursday, September 22, 2011

我喜歡, 不, 我愛.

我喜歡, 不!
難得的是, Dabo會對自己發脾氣, 卻真的不會對我發脾氣.
意見不合, 產生分歧的時候, 他很願意跟我好好溝通.
很多時候, 問題出現, 不是一定要吵架才能解決,
2個人能夠很冷靜的坐下來討論, 才是最可貴的.
謝謝他, 總是第一時間出現.

擁有着的, 或許對別人來說, 一點都不特別.
但對於我來說, 是非常的足夠了.
不敢貪心, 過去嚮往很多, 要得很多.
明知道不能長久, 偏偏信了對方的甜言蜜語.
最後, 傷痕累累.
在我最難過的幾個月裡, dabo陪我度過很多次的崩潰大哭.
朋友說, 緣分, 兜兜轉轉了幾年後,
讓我們再相遇, 讓我們有機會再深了解,
也給我們最大的恩惠, 讓我們在多年以後的今年, 走在一起.

感恩, 在沒有遇到他之前, 我走過的那些風風雨雨,
讓我今天, 可以遇到一個與之前截然不同的好男人.
讓我更懂得, 珍惜每一天不吵不鬧, 很簡單的生活.

感恩, 在沒有遇到我之前, 他走過的那些坎坷的愛情路.
經歷了一段傷害不斷, 吵架聲比歡笑聲多的一段愛情.
讓他今天, 可以在問題出現時,理智的面對和解決.
讓他更懂得, 如何不要求太多, 真心對待.

反而是我, 會要求他偶爾來個大男人,

承諾, 手會一直緊緊牽著.
不. 放. 手.

Monday, September 5, 2011

to my dear.

Good Morning.
today, 5-9-2011, is a brand new day
which my dear is start to working.
i've planned to give him a surprise, make breakfast for him.
everyone of my friends know that i don't even know how to cook.
but i will learn to cook as he wish so.
thanks for someone willing to spend her time for me,
just teach me how to cook.
breakfast for today, and what's next?
fried rice, pasta, japanese food as he very like to eat this kind of food.

a very simple sandwich as breakfast.
but i do really put effort on it.

dear's mummy said something to me this morning
when im staying in his house.
she said thanks to me for caring her son.
i know very well that she actually love and care her son very much.
thanks aunty very much. i will treat you as my mummy as well.
everything is worth when i see my dear smile and hug me tight.
everything is worth when he promise me things will not gonna change.

well, going to take a nap after wash dabo's cloth and finish all the housework.
i slept for 4 hours only last night. super tired.
and so, waiting for my dabo come back from work.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


九月. Dabo開始要工作了.
而我, 還沒真正要找工的意思.
開始擔心做工以後的他, 會是怎樣的.
雖然無數次都會說擔心, 但我總是給予信心的告訴他說, 我會乖.
真的我會乖, 沒有為什麼, 就只是不想讓他連在做工了都要擔心我.
所以, 答應了. 會在他每天放工之前就到他家等他.

溝通, 其實真的很重要.
我沒看過他發我脾氣. 直到那一天.
雖然說是喝酒了, 但我知道那不是氣話.
我很害怕, 害怕自己消化不來這些話.
你說, 後悔了告訴我.
你說, 是你打破了我原本的信心.
你說, 是你破壞了這段感情的完美.
當下, 我很安靜.
我擔心, 是不是我真的太過自以為是的覺得那是幸福, 但其實不然.
我知道, 我偏激了.
看著你緊張的那個樣子, 我更內疚我把你搞到那麼焦慮.
每一段感情, 都不可能完美.
我們都是被傷過, 更害怕歷史會重演.
你說你恨過去, 我給你絕對的保證我不會那樣對你.
相反的, 在你努力想要做得更好的時候,

我承認, 我很介意. 你知道的.
之所以為什麼每一次我聽到那名字, 臉就板起來.
但無可否認, 那是你的過去.
只要你能夠答應我, 以後都不會這樣就很好.
不要被過去牽著鼻子走. 比較多了, 就不平衡了.
你做任何事情都會顧慮我感受, 我明白.
但畢竟男生神經本來就不細膩, 你已經很好了.
比起其他人, 你細心得多.
只是有些事, 你知道, 我也懂. 就好.

今晚, 我很糖果的跟你說ahh biii晚安,
我知道, 那是幾個月前的事, 但還是覺得不舒服.
想了想, 開始這段感情之前, 自己已經知道的.
開始了以後, 就更應該明白不可以被以前影響.
我真的不會再看了. 真的免得自己臉又板起來.
過去的一切, 我會學著放下來.
因為以後的路, 是我們一起的.
