Friday, December 31, 2010

bye 2010

nice right? i love this xmas tree very much.
the most nicer i had seem this year.
hmm, time flies.
today is the last day of 2010.
this year, 2010, definitely the fucking damn year for me,
alots of bullshit happened, alots of sadness, cried, heartbroken, surgery, blablabla
all came together.
i nearly cannot breathe.
but, thanks god.
i finally can get over all of this.
i know, through all those things, i can get a better life, and also
i can grow up faster by learning so much of experience and lesson.
iam no longer teenager, iam adult,
should take the responsibility for what i did.

well, shop to complaint.
i feel better recently, although i know i need to take time on something,
but, as i said, i always believe in myself, trust on my ability,
i can do it.
keep emo and unhappy ain't helping me anything
idk what i should do, but at least i know, how i can be better.
oh ya, last sem of degree on march.
after graduate on july, *hopefully i can pass all the sub and get my degree*
i will no longer stay at bw/pg.
idk whether i can achieve my "Dream" since last 4 years or not,
seem everyone did not support me to do so,
so confuse. but anyway, i will leave pg.

2011, i hope that this will be a better year for me.
yet, i wont expect too much on this.
as i know that, things will always happen without our expectation.
so, i do not wish to plan anything,
plan is always changes as thing changes.
YOU will never BE happier than you expect.
TO change your happiness, CHANGE your expectation.
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone,
and i'm here to welcome 2011.

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